Showing 61–72 of 79 results

Colloidal Silica 500 ml


Colloidal Silica
For Beautiful Hair, Skin & Nails
500 mL /bottle – UPC 826913130258
NPN 80050798


Kidney Flush 500 ml


Kidney Flush®
Herbal diuretic & kidney support
500 mL/bottle – UPC 826913121805
NPN 80023986

RECOMMENDED USE: Used in herbal medicine as a diuretic for the maintenance of kidney health.

ImmuBoost 120 ml


Immune Enhancer
120 mL/bottle – UPC 826913120204
NPN 80043118

RECOMMENDED USE: Used in Herbal Medicine to support the immune system.

Hyaluronic Acid 250 ml


Hyaluronic Acid
Cellular hydration for the skin, joints & eyes
250 mL/bottle – UPC 826913126206
NPN 80034358

RECOMMENDED USE: Helps in connective tissue formation and the development and maintenance of cartilage.


Horny Goat Weed 120 ml


Horny Goat Weed
Promotes vitality & physical performance
120 mL/bottle – UPC 826913122253
NPN 80031305

RECOMMENDED USE: Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to tonify the kidneys and strengthen the yang; for symptoms of kidney-yang deficiency, such as frequent urination and painful, cold lower back and knees.

HerbaCough 120 ml



Airways Support Formula
120 mL/bottle – UPC 826913112308
NPN 80077967

Goji Juice 1 L


Goji Juice
Made from 100% Pure Goji Fruit
1 L/bottle – UPC 826913124806
NPN 80031883

RECOMMENDED USE: Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to tonify the liver and kidneys, nourish the vital essence, and improve eyesight.

GlucosaJoint 500 ml


Effective for Joint Pain and Cartilage Maintenance
500 mL/bottle – UPC 826913124257
NPN 80024063

RECOMMENDED USE: Effective in reducing joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Helps to maintain healthy cartilage and joint health.

GinkgoGin 120 ml


Ginkgo Biloba and Ginseng Herbal Extract
120 mL/bottle – UPC 826913111875
NPN 80044766

RECOMMENDED USE: Helps enhance cognitive, memory function and support peripheral circulation. North American Ginseng is traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve nervousness (as mild sedative).

Ginkgo Biloba 120 ml


Ginkgo Biloba
Memory and Circulation Support
120 mL/bottle – UPC 826913120259
NPN 80043652

RECOMMENDED USE: Helps enhance cognitive, memory function and support peripheral circulation.

Flax Seed Oil 500 ml


Flax Seed Oil
Excellent Source of EFAs
500 mL/bottle – UPC 826913121959
NPN 80001195

RECOMMENDED USE: Source of essential fatty acids for the maintenance of good health. Helps to support cognitive health and/or brain function.

Energin 500 ml


Concentrated Ginseng Extract
500 mL/bottle – UPC 826913111882
NPN 80022917

RECOMMENDED USE: Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve nervous dyspepsia (help digestion in cases of nervousness and/or stress); maintain a healthy immune system; and as supportive therapy for the promotion of healthy glucose levels.